Economic Development Organizations

Total Software 解决方案 for Economic Development Organizations

How Freedom Software™ Can Help Your Organization

立博客户端app下载 has been deeply involved with economic development organizations (EDOs) for more than a decade, providing domain expertise and a total software solution that empowers organizations to serve their members better. Our software spans across your association's marketing, 会员, 销售, 以及财务部门, allowing your entire staff to work together on a single platform in perfect harmony. The unifying effect of Freedom™ removes productivity barriers and frees up your team to focus on its primary goal—creating economic growth opportunities in your area.

With Freedom™’s robust content management software (CMS), your organization can craft a beautiful, interactive website that tells the story of your area and engages your members with news articles, 博客文章, 调查/民意调查, 音频/视频内容, member-generated内容, 和更多的. You can not only display property information but also keep your members up to date through email marketing, social media sharing tools, 和RSS频道. 进一步, our MMS provides your staff with the tools it needs to manage your members: build detailed member profiles, send emails to segmented groups, 接受会费支付, and provide member-only access to forms, 事件, 文档, 和更多的.

有问题? Freedom™ Provides the 解决方案.
  • It is hard to find a technology partner that works with our underserved market and understands EDOs.
  • We are heavily involved in the EDO community (we provide IEDC’s website) and bring significant background knowledge of EDO operations to the table. We understand what you need and will work alongside you to achieve your goals.
  • We need an attractive website that promotes our area in the best possible light.
  • 立博客户端app下载 provides excellent website designs focused on the user experience and the latest design trends. 我们的多功能工具, you can create a website that entices businesses to seek opportunities in your area. Any staff member can easily update the site, allowing you to tailor members’ web experiences to your needs.
  • Using many different software solutions can lead to fragmented, 无法访问数据, making it difficult to generate reports and access relevant statistical information.
  • 使用Freedom Software™, all data and systems are fully integrated, which means that any staff member can easily access data across all five applications and generate necessary reports.
  • Members should be able to access property listings and locations with ease.
  • We offer a beautiful MLS integration widget that allows your visitors to search for listed properties. We also provide map searching functionality.
  • We need a useful 会员/investor management tool.
  • Our 会员 management software allows you to build detailed member profiles, send emails to segmented groups, create different investor levels, 和更多的.

Our experience with EDOs is extensive and leaves us confident in our ability to meet your needs. For the last 15 years, we’ve helped EDOs succeed by delivering powerful websites and software. Our platform enables EDOs to craft compelling stories of their areas, complete with interactive maps, 音频/视频内容, 和更多的. We currently work with more than 30 EDOs, sharing best practices across the industry. 另外, we serve as a sponsor and website provider for the International Economic Development Council (IEDC). Our commitment to helping EDOs ignite economic growth in their communities is unwavering.

Why We Work with this Market

With our expertise and software solution, 立博客户端app下载 is uniquely equipped to meet the needs of all EDOs, 无论大小, and we have a passion for doing so. Our CEO/president was involved in the business community in Florida and created an EDO in the past. Thus, we are acutely aware of the benefits they provide and their organizational needs. Our total software solution spans across marketing, 会员, 销售, 以及财务部门, meeting the needs of each and providing maximal functionality to all. We hope to continue innovating and meeting these needs.

To see some of the organizations we work with, check out our 投资组合!
